
In an urban backyard on Canada’s West Coast, a window salesman has created a living laboratory for investigating hummingbird behaviour. The Bird in My Backyard follows citizen scientist, Eric Pittman, as he documents the journeys of two female Anna’s hummingbirds as they attempt to raise their young in his urban garden. It’s a story about the childlike curiosity in all of us, the wonders it can reveal and the doors it can open if we just lean in a bit closer.




"This film beautifully reflects the notion that sometimes the most profound discoveries are hidden just outside our back door. Even though his subject of study may be tiny, his passion and enthusiasm are immense. With a childlike curiosity, we explore the fascinating secrets hidden in our own gardens, revealing a world that is often overlooked. The cinematography is breathtaking allowing us to discover an invisible reality for the naked eye, complemented by an exquisite soundtrack and sound design that takes us deeper into this adventure. The balance achieved between dialogue and voice-over presents an emotional experience, encapsulating feelings of admiration, dedication, and a deep enthusiasm for nature. It reminds us that for a genuine connection with nature we don't have to journey far to become a life-changing experience. This remarkable film introduces us to the secretive and captivating world of the hummingbirds."

- Joaquin Gomez, Banff Mountain Film Festival jury member




Producer, Director, DoP, Editor | Ryan Wilkes

Produced by Trochilus Films

Produced in Association with CBC

Executive Producer for CBC | Lesley Birchard

Featuring Eric Pittman

Story Editor | Geordie Trifa

Story Editor | Niobe Thompson

Cinematographer | Jillian Wilkes

Original Score Composed by Jonathan Kawchuk

Sound Mix & Sound Effects Editing by David Parfit

Colourist | So Young Park


In the Media

CBC Article with more background on the film

All Points West radio story by Moronke Harris

Victoria Buzz article